Marco Sebastiani, PhD Associate professor of materials science Deputy director for research Engineering Department Università degli studi Roma Tre | ORCID: 0000-0002-9574–1578 Scopus ID 7005846216 Researcher ID BG-2755-2021 |
Marco Sebastiani (PI) is currently a recognised scientist in the fields of surface engineering, thin film synthesis, nanoscale mechanical characterisation, residual stress assessment at the nano-scale.
In the last ten years, the PI was awarded with a Fulbright Scholarship, have already coordinated three large European projects (Horizon Europe, H2020 and FP7) and a large national project (PRIN2020). He has pioneered a novel method to measure residual stress at small scales (namely, the FIB-DIC micro-ring core), as well as an original methodology to measure fracture toughness at the micro-scale (namely, the pillar splitting method).
Currently, he is one the editors of the international journal “Materials and Design” (Impact factor 7.991), and is a co-funder and member of the organisational management board (OMB) of the European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC, )
According to Google Scholar, The PI has already published more than 150 articles in international peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings, with > 3500 citations, h-index = 31, i10-index = 63.
According to Scopus (which only includes articles in peer reviewed journals), the PI has published 100 articles, with > 2700 citations, h-index = 28,
The full list of papers can be found at the following link:
Funding success (last ten years):
- Coordinator and Principal investigator of the PRIN2020 project CONCERTO (2020BN5ZW9, overall budget € 909.648,00)
- Work Package leader and member of General Assembly in the large collaborative project NANOMECOMMONS (HE NMBP-35-2020, G.A. N. 952869, overall budget 6.0 M€)
- Coordinator and Principal Investigator of the large collaborative project OYSTER (H2020 NMBP-07-2017, G.A. N. 760827, overall budget 4.0 M€).
- Coordinator and Principal Investigator of the large collaborative project ISTRESS (FP7-NMP-2013-LARGE-7, G.A. N. 604646, overall budget 8.6 M€).
- Coordinator and Principal investigator of the project “Meccanica avanzata e nanotecnologie al plasma per catene e accessori”, “FASHION CHAIN MACHINERY & PLASMA SOLUTION (FCM&PS)”, Bando REGIONE TOSCANA, POR CReO FESR 2007 – 2013, LINEA D’INTERVENTO 1.5.a – 1.6, BANDO UNICO R&S ANNO 2012 – Contratti di Ricerca dal 20.02.2013 al 30.03.2014 con le
Research monographs:
NPL Good practice Guideline n. 143, “A Good Practice Guide for Measuring Residual Stresses using FIB-DIC”, on experimental and modelling issues related to FIB-DIC methods to measure residual stress at the nano-scale.
2012 M. Sebastiani “Method for measuring the Poisson’s ratio and the residual stress in materials” RM2012A000017, WO2013108208:International Patent n. PCT/IB2013/050440,
Prizes and awards:
2014 Fulbright Research Scholarship, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA) – prof. George M. Pharr
2019 TV segment on PI’s research on Rai1/TG1 – the main Italian national TV;
2016 Research of the PI highlighted on PLATINUM – ricerca e innovazione, a major Italian communication newspaper or research and innovation.
2014 Research of the PI on IL SOLE 24 ORE, the major Italian daily business newspaper.
2009 Best paper award at the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC 2009)
2007 Best paper award at the 31st International Conference on advanced ceramics and composites (ICACC 2007), American Ceramic Society (ACerS)
Invited presentations:
In the last 10 years, the PI has delivered more 70 oral presentations at international conferences, including more than 30 invited lectures:
2022 TMS 2022 – Nix Award and Lecture Symposium
2022 11th European Solid Mechanics Conference
2021 XVI Convegno nazionale AIMAT
2021 EuroNanoForum 2021
2021 NewTimes – New Trends in Materials Science and Engineering
2021 14th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE21)
2020 E-MRS European Materials Research Society – nanoanalysis symposium
2020 13th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics (ISFOE20)
2019 Invited plenary seminar at the Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VII.
2019 University of Erlangen, WW1 General Materials Science
2019 9th EASN international conference – Athens
2019 EuroNanoForum 2019.
2019 International workshop of the European Materials Modelling Council, Vienna
2018 Symposium on small scale mechanical behaviour – Texas A&M University.
2018 INDustrial TECHnologies 2018 – Innovative industries for smart growth
2018 6th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium.
2018 European Conference on Residual Stresses – ECRS10.
2018 Materials Science and Engineering conference (MSE).
2018 Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior Conference GRC.
2018 Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development VI.
2018 EuroNanoForum 2017.
2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS).
2015 Invited plenary seminar at the Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development V.
2015 Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, University of Oxford.
2014 Invited webinar on “Surface Characterization of Energy Storage Devices”, presented by MRS.
2014 Series of invited seminars under support of the Fulbright scholar program:
- University of Pennsylvania (UPENN), invited by prof. Daniel Gianola.
- University of Kentucky, College of Engineering, invited by prof. Y.T. Cheng.
- University of Auburn, College of Engineering, invited by prof. Hareesh V. Tippur.
2013 Opening Invited Lecture at the European Focused Ion Beam User group (EFUG 2013).
2013 Erich Schmid Colloquium, Erich Schmid Institute (ESI), Leoben – Austria.
In the following, the 10 most relevant and recent publications for the SuNRISE project are reported, also including number of citations and 2021 journal’s impact factor. The PI is the main contributor for all of the papers from this selection, either as the main executor of experiments/models or as the group leader coordinating the activities.
2022 Biocompatibility and antibacterial properties of TiCu(Ag) thin films produced by physical vapor deposition magnetron sputtering, S. Rashid, G. M. Vita,…, M. Sebastiani, A. di Masi, Applied Surface Science 573 (2022) 151604, (I.F. 6.707)
2021 Integrated molecular dynamics and experimental approach to characterize low-free-energy perfluoro-decyl-acrylate (PFDA) coated silicon, A. Cardellini, F. M. Bellussi, E. Rossi, L. Chiavarini, C. Becker, D. Cant, P. Asinari, M. Sebastiani, Materials and Design 208 (2021) 109902 (I.F. 7.991);
2021 Humidity-dependent flaw sensitivity in the crack propagation resistance of 3D-printed nano-ceramics, E. Rossi, J. Bauer, M. Sebastiani, Scripta Materialia 194 (2021) 113684 (I.F. 5.611)
2019 Invited review Article: A review of experimental approaches to fracture toughness evaluation at the micro-scale: J. Ast M. Ghidelli, K. Durst, M. Göken, M. Sebastiani, A.M. Korsunsky, Materials and Design 173 (2029) 107762 (I.F. 7.991);
2019 Generalised residual stress depth profiling at the nanoscale using focused ion beam milling
E. Salvati a, L. Romano-Brandt, M.Z. Mughal, M. Sebastiani, A.M. Korsunsky,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 125 (2019) 488–501 (I.F. 5.471)
2018 Invited review Article(most read of 2019-2021 for JVST-A journal, with more than 58000 reads): Stress in thin films and coatings: Current status, challenges, and prospects, G. Abadias, E. Chason, J. Keckes, M. Sebastiani, G. B. Thompson, E. Barthel, Ludvik Martinu, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, Vol. 36, No. 2, Mar/Apr 2018 (I.F. 2.427) – all authors contributed equally to the paper.
2016 High-resolution high-speed nanoindentation mapping of cement pastes: Unravelling the effect of microstructure on the mechanical properties of hydrated phases, M. Sebastiani, R. Moscatelli, F. Ridi, P. Baglioni, F. Carassiti, Materials and Design 97 (2016) 372–380 (I.F. 7.991).
2016 Effect of lithiation on micro-scale fracture toughness of LixMn2O4 cathode, M. Z. Mughal, H.Y. Amanieu, M. Sebastiani, Scripta Materialia 116 (2016) 62–66, (I.F. 4.539).
2015 Invited article: Measurement of fracture toughness by nanoindentation methods: recent advances and future challenges, M. Sebastiani, K. E. Johanns, E. G. Herbert, G. M. Pharr, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 19 (2015) 324–333, (I.F. 11.354).
2015 Influence of Ti–TiN multilayer PVD-coatings design on residual stresses and adhesion, R. Ali, M. Sebastiani, E. Bemporad, Materials and Design 75 (2015) 47–56, (I.F. 7.991).