Il gruppo
Personale Strutturato
He is in charge of the research activities of the materials science group at the Roma TRE Electron Microscopy Laboratory (LIME), mainly devoted to advanced characterization of coatings and interfaces ( He is also the in chief coordinator of the whole LIME facility.
At present, his interests lie in structured and nanostructured coatings, especially for wear resistance, corrosion resistance and high temperature oxidation. Moreover, he is nowadays coordinator of many public research projects (National and International) involving nanotechnologies, and responsible for several contracts and conventions between the department and private companies.
Marco Sebastiani (PI) is currently a recognized scientist in the fields of surface engineering, thin film synthesis, nanoscale mechanical characterization, residual stress assessment at the nano-scale.
In the last ten years, the PI was awarded with a Fulbright Scholarship , have already coordinated three large European projects (Horizon Europe, H2020 and FP7) and a large national project (PRIN2020). He has pioneered a novel method to measure residual stress at small scales (namely, the FIB-DIC micro-ring core), as well as an original methodology to measure fracture toughness at the micro-scale (namely, the pillar splitting method).
Currently, he is one the editors of the international journal “Materials and Design” (Impact factor 7.991) , and is a co-funder and member of the organizational management board (OMB) of the European Materials Characterization Council (EMCC, www.characterisation .eu )
According to Google Scholar , The PI has already published more than 150 articles in international peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings, with > 3500 citations , h-index = 31, i10-index = 63 .
According to Scopus (which only includes articles in peer reviewed journals), the PI has published 100 articles , with > 2700 citations , h-index = 28 ,
The full list of papers can be found at the following link:
Giulia Lanzara è attualmente Professore Associato presso il Dipartimento di Civile, Informatica e delle Tecnologie Aeronautiche ed Associate Editor della rivista internazionale ASME Open Journal of Engineering. Si è laureata con il massimo dei voti in Ingegneria Civile Strutturale alla Sapienza ove ha poi conseguito il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria Strutturale in collaborazione con la Stanford University. E’ stata PostDoctoral Scholar presso l'Aeronautics and Astronautics Department, Stanford University totalizzando circa 6 anni di esperienza estera. Nel 2011 ha vinto il programma di rientro dall'estero Rita Levi Montalcini grazie al quale è stata inquadrata nel Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Università RomaTre come Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato. E' autrice di circa 100 pubblicazioni, tra articoli scientifici su riviste internazionali ad alto impatto, book chapter indicizzati, rapporti scientifici, e full articles di conferenze internazionali con e senza referaggio. E’ risultata vincitrice di numerosi progetti internazionali come Principal Investigator, tra cui un progetto della European Research Council e vari progetti dall’Aeronautica Militare USA.
Le sue attività di ricerca sono state essenzialmente focalizzate sullo sviluppo di materiali multifunzionali innovativi.
Durante la sua carriera accademica ha partecipato alla realizzazione e/o personalmente realizzato laboratori di ricerca atti allo sviluppo di materiali multifunzionali, di nanotubi di carbonio ed utili per la nano/microfabbricazione di dispositivi. E' stata inoltre responsabile e coordinatrice delle attività dei corrispettivi gruppi di ricerca.
Edoardo Rossi is an assistant professor in materials science at the University of Roma Tre and an assistant managing editor for the international journal “Materials and Design”. His field of expertise as a post-doctoral researcher and assistant professor (currently) lies within the context of the characterization and design of novel high-toughness nano-ceramics for aeronautical and biomedical applications. In 2020 and 2021, he won two awards within the context of the MRS 2020 and NewTrends in Materials Science conferences for his presentations on the research topics of Surface Free Energy measurements and 3D printed nano-ceramics environmental toughness, respectively. In his previous working experiences, he was employed from 2015 to 2016 as an engineering consultant for the Science and Technology group at Roma Tre University on automated algorithms for FIB micro- and nano-machining. Moreover, he obtained his PhD at Roma Tre University in 2022, working on nanoindentation and advanced nanomechanics as diagnostic tools for the reliability assessment of micro and nano-devices.
Dr. Saqib rashid is a post-doctoral researcher at University of Roma Tre, Material Science Group, working mainly on the nanomechanical testing within the context of the european project nanoMECommons. He graduated at University of Trento in 2014 and gained is PhD in mechanical and industrial engineering in 2021.